Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thesis Theme Resources Editing Thesis with Hooks

I have compiled a list of really good resources that walk you through how to do Thesis theme editing and customize it your liking.

Thesis Theme Editing:

Blogussion - 4 Great Ways I Customized my Thesis Theme - I love the Author at bottom of post tip!
SugarRae - Thesis Theme Custom 404 Page - No more "Gnarly, dude!"
DIYthemes - Hide "comments on the entry are closed" Message - Very helpful if you do not allow commenting on your blog or website.
ThesisThemeHQ - Making Changes to the Thesis Navigation Menu - Quick and easy but makes a dramatic design difference as you will see.
DIYthemes - Modify the "Tagged as:" Text - Something almost nobody does, but you should be doing!!

Thesis Theme Hooks How-To:

What you first need: Thesis OpenHook Plugin
DIYthemes - Thesis Hooks Reference List - Well compiled reference list for thesis hooks
SugarRae - Tutorial Thesis Theme Hooks For Dummies - Simplify thesis theme hooks with this tutorial

I'll be updating this more soon!

You can find more resources for editing thesis with hooks.

You can learn more about Thesis Theme by clicking the link.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Welcome to How To Edit Thesis Theme Tips and Tricks

We'll be using this blog to post content on how to edit thesis theme, also to provide tips and tricks when building thesis based WordPress blogs!

If you don't know about Thesis Theme, be sure to check it out.

Be sure to subscribe to the blog and enjoy!